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Image by Brooke Lark

Emily Brown 


holistic wellness specialist and functional medicine health coach


Heal & balance the body


My Story

My health coaching approach is based on the latest science and research, with a foundation in using real food as medicine, to heal and balance the body from the inside out.


 Is NOT about restriction, diets or rigid lifestyles. It’s about eating more of the right foods for you and making little adjustments in your daily life that will give you more energy, focus, and a sense of calm. (And by the way, the right foods don't have to be boring! Katie's clients only eat foods they deem delicious!)


My promises not to make you eliminate the foods you love, but instead give you sustainable tools and creative solutions that work with your lifestyle. Whether it be losing weight, fixing hormonal acne, balancing hormones, restoring your gut health, or combatting brain fog, she will give you the personalized guidance you’ve been searching for. Her goal is to bring your body back into balance so its functioning at its optimal level, so you can get back to living your best life!


Self Love 

Weight Management tools and strategies

Health coaching approach is based on the latest science and research, with a foundation in using real food as medicine, to heal and balance the body from the inside out.

Her approach is NOT about restriction, diets or rigid lifestyles.



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